So big break, yada yada yada. Anyway.
Funny how quickly some things get evacuated from your mind when unexpected changes happen. You'll suddenly become so seperated from a thing so near in an instant. Something something yapping.
Had a fair few pieces of increasingly bad news lately as my *inspired* ramblings would no doubt spoil. Really quite bad news this time, and my life is going to be changing a bit moving forward. Honestly it's gone better than it could of, and there is a lot to be grateful but the sudden change to everything has really sent me spinning.
Unfortatunely this contributed to me not finishing my review of A Pale View of Hills, which was dissapointing since I really liked it! But I will endevour to write my first (3rd times a charm) Bookbug review on the The Posthumous Memoirs of Bras Cubas. Hopefully anyway.
I've missed this part of the web a lot. My doomscrolling and social media addiction has really relapsed a few steps since, which I forgive myself for, but I feel so much worse. Taking a few steps to try to get back some control soon though! I'm optimistic :)
I think that's it. Hopefully next post soon but I really can't be sure. I will do my best though.
Warmly, Saoirse