Writing a quick one of these while I wait for my meds to dry.

I'm doing this before volunteering; we've got a new program on today that, because my 'boss' is at a conference, I will be running myself. Which is delightful. In addition, I will have to read the program before I start and explain the existing program to whoever is helping me. So I'm a little nervous.

As well as that I also have an assignment that is due tonight. Which I have not started. Thankfully work is done for the week so I don't have to worry about that, but I can tell this is going to be a long day.

Pnin is really fun, I'm loving the narrator's voice. Not too far in yet, only started it the day before yesterday or something so I doubt I will have my review up before the end of the month (oh well.) but that's alright. You do what to can.

I think that's it, still trying to get the habit up. I'll get there eventually.

Warmly, Saoirse