My work situation is a bit weird.

I started a new job a few months ago (a friend of mine had already worked there for a while) and had a few weeks of work before work started to dry up. It's a casual position so this kind of stuff is allowed to happen but it was still unexpected. Apparently this period happens in the middle of the year, every year, which would've been nice to know before starting but what can you do.

Now I'd go and try to find another job but unfortunately due a disability I have the types of jobs I can work is very limited. My last job I was on my feet the whole time (which was only 5 hours max usually) and It would take me out for the rest of the day and even the following one. This job is pretty perfect for my circumstances, I can even work three full days in a row without affecting my week! So I'm pretty hesitant to look for new work. It took me like nine months of searching to get this one as well after my old job pulled the rug from under me.

So anyway. Not super keen on just jumping into a new job, but at the same time a few months is a pretty long time and I'm not sure when I will be getting work again. I've got savings and secure living so it's not a serious problem but it has set back a lot of my finacial plans.

Despite all that, I did apply for a job! I've seen some library and library-adjacent positions pop up that I'm not really quallified for but I thought, "Screw it!" And went for it. What's the worst that could happen right?

That's news for me I guess. First lecture at uni was good! Happy with it so far, people are very nice :). Eventually one of these will have a different topic that isn't my life but that isn't today.

Take care of yourselves!

Warmly, Saoirse.