Saoirse's Nook

I've been thinking a lot lately about what this site is to me, as well as what the internet means to me. I think a lot of us have been because of recent events as well as the changes we've made because of it. I know I quickly sought a replacement for social media, a new platform to fill the doomscroll void- guilt and paranoia free. But the not so original conclusion I've come to is that it wasn't just the social media platoform was the issue. It was what its role in our lives is. Any platform is going to have some of these issues unless it is intentionally used, though things like Mastodon definitely have some benefits.

The more I think about it and "disconnect" I wonder what need it was really filling for. Its like it has created this false environment of community to hook us into and bite down. It did provide some genuine things though. I've found a lot of art and creators that I would genuinly miss. But I don't believe that social media needs to be the facilitator. I think the indieweb or whatever you wanna call it has that at its core, intentionally or not, it's not the easiest thing to get into. It thrives off people engaging meaningfully, passively scrolling just isn't an option here.


I've remade my site as you can see.. The old posts are still in the Zonelets style but I got rid of my gaudi CSS experiment. Not sure how to do the blog at the moment. I would to just use txt files and have the page read it but that is way out of my depth. I will get there though.

Starting a new job at a libray soon! I've been volunteering for a while now but this is my first job in the field! I'm really excited to start and get my foot in the door.

All for now but I hope to post more as we all do. I'll hope.

Reading Recommendation: On friction in reading and blogging by Claudine Chionh

Warmly, Saoirse